KINN Moments
Finding Slow Moments In A Fast World

"Our brand is about finding slow moments in a fast paced world. This is a theme in my life, big city girl looking to create self care rituals and habits around nurturing myself and my family and enjoying beautiful things."
In the ever evolving fast-paced world that we live in, it’s sometimes challenging to find the time to re-connect, recharge, and keep our values in focus. I speak from a personal standpoint as I find myself always chasing the next thing, climbing the next mountain, pausing just long enough to reflect on my path. I’m wondering, is this the right way? Where did I start? Where is the end? How did I even get here? The cycle can sometimes feel like being on the treadmill of life, and occasionally wearing. I know some of you can relate.
It’s not to say that this is a bad thing. I relish in a good challenge. But as I pursue my goals, I also want to keep what is most important to me in sight. My intention is to do less but better. To create meaning from the resources that I have and enjoy the little things along the way. The good life is not confined to the vision board version of you. The good life can be found in our fleeting daily moments, because those are the foundational blocks that everything else is built on.
Here are some of my daily habits and typical routine, that help me to find slow moments in a fast world.

I usually start my day with, let’s be real here… caffeine. No, ok let’s rewind real quick. Before I get out of bed I take a few deep breaths and set an intention for the day. Usually I’m still half asleep and it’s something like “Today is going to be great”. We like to keep it simple ‘round here. Then I come out into the living room where my husband is already working. He’s an early riser, around 5:30 am, and also an entrepreneur. I make tea, or sometimes a pour-over coffee which really sets the tone for doing things intentionally before the day really begins. It’s my morning ritual.
I’m a big believer in the power of the physical space to alter your mood. I am after all an interior designer, so I’ve seen this at work and at home. Humans are creatures of routine and habit, and when we regularly perform an activity in the same space, that space starts to trigger feelings of calm, focus, energy… whatever has been associated with it. For me, a place of connection is in the kitchen. Because my husband and I both work from home, we often cross paths in the kitchen and have brief “water cooler” conversations while taking a break. Or we’ll have lunch together. This is where we exchange our best ideas in passing or give each other a pep-talk during challenging times.
Because we’re often just going along for the ride when it comes to the daily grind, we can’t always afford to wait for inspiration to strike to get going. In her book The Creative Habit, Twyla Tharp talks about just showing up consistently everyday, and doing the work. It may sound counterintuitive, but creativity blossoms from that structured routine. To trigger periods of creativity and flow, I surround myself with things that get me inspired and start every work day by lighting a candle. That’s my signal to get going. I also have a palm stone for when I’m problem solving. It gives me something grounding to focus my energy on. These simple actions can become habit forming in very positive ways.

I have an intricate hand-woven beaded necklace at my desk, that my mom made back when our family had gone through a financial downturn. My parents, both being entrepreneurs, took a serious hit during the Asian financial crisis back in ‘97. To ensure that we stayed afloat, my mom although formally an attorney with her own law firm, started making jewelry to sell at the weekend market for extra income. I have it at my desk to remind me of the type of resilience and grit I want to embody when things get hard. An object can be anything, from the sentimental to the purely symbolic that acts as a point of inspiration. It’s a reminder to keep pursuing your goals and live in alignment with your purpose and values.
I always end the day with a quick review and set goals for tomorrow so I’m ready in the morning. I can then spend the evening paying undivided attention to my girls knowing my work is done for the day. Our household rule is no cellphones allowed at the dinner table. That is the time for us to connect and share stories and catch up from our day being apart.
Read more on Finding Identity With Ritual; Kinn Founder Tarica Phung Navarro.